

Posted by figaro 
May 27, 2009 12:30PM
I thought it might be a good idea to start a new thread about prices for various items this year in Halkidiki. Such as drinks, meals, supermarkets etc etc.

Please post your comments, I, for one, will find it very useful!

I can't wait to get to Halkidiki this year, though its not until September!


Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 12:37PM

my office is opposite to a large supermarket. Just name the products you are interested in and I will give you the prices.

Forum Admin
nikos at
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 12:49PM
OK, we didn't go to a lot of tourist places and I am not sure where you are staying. But here goes.

Meal at Possidi for instance, calamari plate, stuffed aubergine, cuc and tomato salad, bread, sardines plate, large Amstel and glass of Tsipouro cost us 35 euros.

Meal at Villa stasa, Loutra, octopus grilled, cuc and tom salad (can't do without this !!), bread, chicken snitzel, deep fried courgettes, xtipiti (spicy cheese salad), large Amstel and jug of Tsipouro cost us 30 euros.

Meal in Nea Skioni at a local type place, meat cooked for hours !, cuc and tom salad, home made chips (absolutely gorgeous), xtipiti, large Amstel and two glass of tsipouro cost us 17 euros.

NOW FOR THE CHEAPEST DEAL - in Nea Skioni, at the Kafenion one evening we had a plate of home made chips, one gyros plate (I am sure you know what these are, but for others who do not it was a mixture of bits and bobs, like olives, feta, xtipiti, taramasalata, grilled augergines, bread, courgettes etc. - you take pot luck on what is on that day, sometimes even a sardine or two), half a litre of white wine for me! and a tsipouro for hubby cost us the princely sum of 7 euros !!

Most gyros places are around 2 euros for giros, 2.20 for souvlaki with pitta and salad

Pizza at Sweet Coffee Shop Kriopigi around 18 euros, but huge and home made.

Frappes at local Greek places, kafenion are about 1.5 - 1.7 euros. In villages at usual cafes etc between 2 and 2.5 euros. On the seafront at Pefkochori usually dearer, but we didnt go this time.

Cheese pie, spinach pie etc. in Kassandrea town cost us 2 euros for a large portion. Frappes here were 2 euros for a large glass.

Bacon rolls x 2, tea, frappe at Casablanca Kriopigi were cheap, but I can't for the life of me remember the exact cost.

Soft drinks like ice tea, coke etc are between 1.5 and 2 euros depending on where you go.

Bread was still around 60 cents a loaf.

Wine, milk and cheese and household goods like loorolls, much cheaper at Lidl. Feta cheese cheaper at the market at Kassandrea.

Fruit and veg on market still fairly cheap compared to UK. Cherries were just coming in so quite expensive at 4 euros, but no doubt gone down now. Melons still expensive (4-5 euros a kilo) but they will come down pretty much in late June onwards.

Thats about it, we were only on a flying visit to find somewhere to rent, so didn't do much of our own shopping this time. Hope that helps a bit.

All in all we found it more expensive this year than previously, but mainly due to the exchange rate. I don't think prices have gone up too much as such but we did get quite a good rate via Nationwide flex account - 1.13 - 1.14. Locally I think it was 1.07 exchange.

Have a great time.

Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 01:04PM
I was in Pefkohori a couple of weeks ago and we found that when eating out the food is still pretty cheap, but it's drinking (alcohol) that costs.

For a typical Greek dinner for 2 (as described by Jane) you pay between 20-30 Euros, usually dependant on what you drink (soft or alcohol) and we rarely managed to finish all the food as portions tend to be pretty large, but drinking in bars is expensive.

I drink Tia Maria and Diet Coke and my friend drinks Vodka & DC and they cost 6 Euros each in most places. Granted you get about 4 times the measure you get in the UK, but it is still the same volume of liquid so you still drink them just as fast....!!
janet wallace
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 03:04PM
Hi im just looking at the coments made abt prices and I think im gonna need a fortune lol, I am going to polichrono in august there is myself, my fella and our 3 kids, 2 of which are teenagers. I think I best start working overtime so that we have enough money when we get over there. Im still looking forward to it though and cant wait to go x x
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 03:12PM
What I should point out about my post is that prices haven't really risen in the last couple of years, the main difference is the exchange rate...

Don't worry Janet, you can do it on a cheaper scale - you can buy snacks from the supermarket for breakfast and lunch, or go the yummy 'fast food' places and have a gyros, and splash out on your evening meal (which will still be a lot cheaper than in the UK!).

I'm sure you'll have a great time, it's just not as cheap as it was 10 years ago....
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 03:13PM
I usually drink bacardi and coke, but as Carolinus says, 5 euros a drink, and even though a good measure goes down just as quickly! So when in Greece I usually drink Amstel which is pretty cheap, or wine (local wine is only about 4 euros half a litre) and of course ouzo and tsipouro are really cheap. Occasionally, I even drink soft drinks but not that often!!

When there long term I buy wine at Lidl which is pretty cheap and drink at home, and also the bacardi,gin etc. are cheaper than the UK if you buy litre bottles at supermarkets. But I know, it is nice to go out and drink whilst on holiday.

Get saving Janet !! Of course if you are self catering you can still eat pretty cheaply, but then I don't go on holiday to cook !

Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 03:38PM
Thanks all who have replied so far.

I've been to Hanioti the last two years running and thats where I am headed again this year. I agree that the prices seem to be around the same as last year but will seem higher due to our rubbish exchange rate which currently stands today at 1.11!

It won't stop me going to Greece and especialy Halkidiki though!

My friend and I have discussed what to do and decided that we will probably get supplies in the apartment for breakfast and lunch, although we may go out once or twice for breakfast. We will still go out for dinner, we are on holiday and going to spoil ourselves, if it costs a bit more then so be it!

I can't wait to get there and am counting down the weeks!

Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 03:55PM
hi jane we arrive in greece on monday of course were self catering and we would like to know is there a lidl in polichrono or any other cheap supermarkets around there and as for the pound i went to thomas cook and got 1.10euro so not bad eh
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 04:44PM
Lidl is on the road between Athitos and Kallithea. Not sure what is in Polichrono as we do not stay there, but I am sure you will get some replies on their supermarkets from someone else.

Massoutis and Arbanitithis are both good supermarkets, we like to use the smaller ones when we live over near Skioni.
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 04:48PM
thanks jane for your help.
janet wallace
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 07:34PM
Hi again everyone, thanks for the replies, im sure we will all be fine regarding money, I can spot a bargain anywhere lol. I dont know if anyone had any suggestions but we are getting married whilst we are over there and looking to have a small reception for about10 - 12 people if anyone can suggest a reasonable priced restaraunt in polichrono. Im so excited about going as I have never been to Greece before. We are going on 6th August. Does anyone know how much hairdressers are or how much it is to prhaps hire a driver and a car on our wedding day. janet x x x
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 08:31PM
Good hairdresser is Eleni in Hanioti, took us 12 years to find her ! Prices about the same as UK.

Don't know any places in Polichrono. Depends on what you want to eat - Greek or English. There are many many Greek tavernas which are beautiful and authentic, but the ones I know are not near Polichrono. Near to Polichrono, if you want something really different and Greek there is Anthoulas in Kriopigi which does really different food and is in the old village. Also I believe the Sweet Coffee Shop has done some wedding meals, they are on main road in Kriopigi and have a balcony at the rear with lots of tables overlooking the sea which might be nice - they do Greek style snack meals rather than full on sit down meals.

Have a great time. Drivers, not sure. Ask locally.
janet wallace
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 08:58PM
thanks Jane appreciate your help. Is Hanioti near to polichrono? Im not sure of the distances everywhere x x
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 09:02PM
About five mins from Hanioti to Polichrono, and five mins Polichrono to Kriopigi by car. All villages are -pretty close.
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 09:24PM
From Hanioti to Polichrono 2 Kilo. 25/30 mins walk, to Kriopigip from Polichrono 8 Kil. a long walk or quick trip in a taxi.
Re: Prices
May 27, 2009 10:20PM
Hello Janet
The Akropolis in Kriopigi is a very good restaurant and Sakis the owner would do you a great meal for your wedding party, the food is excellent.

janet wallace
Re: Prices
May 28, 2009 12:25AM
Thanks everyone, you are all so helpful. DO you know how far Kassandria town hall is from polichrono, that is where we are getting married and have no idea how we will get there yet. We can hire a driver and a car from our tour operator but they want nearly £300 for a couple of hours which I think is a ridiculous amount especially as im a 3rd year student nurse lol. I suppose we could grab a taxi or something, any idea of how much that would be? much appreciate all the help and advice you are all giving me. Janet x x
Re: Prices
May 28, 2009 12:43AM
it is around 15-20 minutes by car from polichrono to kassandria town hall. the taxi will be around 15 euros each way.
janet wallace
Re: Prices
May 28, 2009 01:10AM
thanks petros for your help, I dont suppose their are bigger vehicles like a taxi mini bus we can hire as there is prob gonna be abt 10 of us.

Janet x x
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