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General discussion and questions about Halkidiki.
Re: Transfers from Thessaloniki - 11 years ago
Hi Daniel I cant send you a PM for some reason, I can give you a lift providing the suitcases fit in the car, I dont want any money as Im going that way I can ask the guy who is dropping us the car if he will take you to Kriopigi as he will be going back there maybe for a small charge, will get back to you. But if you can get the suitcases in your welcome Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Where's our weatherman? - 11 years ago
Havent seen Sakis or his car rental site on here since the site upgraded ( but Kriopigi cars are meeting me at airport in June and emails haven't suggested any bad newsby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Transfers from Thessaloniki - 11 years ago
Hi All Did anyone think about hiring a car?? approx 160e for the whole week! Well thats what Ive done am arriving on 17th June at 11.10a.m can give 2 people a lift down to Nea Moundania/ Potidia, as we are going to Psakoudia, let me know. JaneSby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: U.K to Greece - Car & Ferry advice needed! - 12 years ago
Hi MarkMag You have no chance of doing this 'leisurely' in 10 days! sorry When we moved over to Thess a few years ago my hubby did the journey in 3 days via Ancona to igoumenista ferry then on to Thessaloniki he only had 4 hours sleep and a rest on the ferry, so if you do it leisurely you hols will consist of driving with maybe a day at the beach. In 2009 it cost 400e one way without the ferrby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Hi All Just found out Nationwide bank have now started charging comission for withdrawing cash from ATM's and also charging £1 for the transaction. This started 1st November just seen my bank statement and have been charged £5.24 comisiion on withdrawing 300 euros (£261) and £1 for the transaction! JaneSby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Vauxhall Vectra/Opel 2.5 auto FREE for spares(still goes well) - 14 years ago
Hi All We need to scrap our car as we are going back to UK, it still is a good runner but is now in need of service and tidying up and not worth the drive back to UK. It has a brand new 4 month old battery cost 130 euros from Opel, leather seats, cd player, lots of stuff to break/sell for spares, ideal for someone who is a mechanic. So anyone know anyone who could break this car, let meby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Moving to Cyprus House Contents for sale - 14 years ago
Hi Jane We managed to sell everything! thanks, wherever we move to I will always have to commute to UK for work so working is never an issue for me, need to keep paying my pension then I can retire at 55yrs !!! We will be back in UK to save money so next time we can pay everything in advance! Are you back in UK now? hope all is well. JaneS xby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Moving to Cyprus House Contents for sale - 14 years ago
Hi All We are off to Cyprus in April, need to sell all are stuff before end of November anyone interested in following; 42 inch HDMI phillips flat screen tv with black onyx style stand Large modular sofa burgandy leather with gold/beige sofa seats, 2 corner peices, 3 singular and large foot stool Stainless steele microwave (with oven facility) Ikea pine table seats 10 when extendeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Storage space needed - 14 years ago
Hi Jane Yes we are moving to a newer house, the house we have at the moment is beautiful but so old full of mould in winter, no fire etc so will be looking for new house am looking forward to it! JaneSby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Storage space needed - 14 years ago
Hi We are looking to store a furniture for the winter end of November to April if anyone has space or knows someone with space ie basement, garage etc please let me know a.s.a.p, the storage space can be in Thessaloniki or Halkidiki, we are willing to pay obviously, many thanks JaneSby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Sale, moving back to UK - 14 years ago
Hi Jane Hope everything is ok, how comes you moving back so soon?? could you pm me the list of stuff for sale please. Thanks Jane& Jackby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Photo upload - 14 years ago
Hi Is it possible to upload more than one photo at a time to the members photo album? It's the only thing putting me off uploading our photos, one by one takes forever, any advice greatly appreciated! Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Prices - 14 years ago
Ooops made a mistake, thanks Victor for commenting, I was thinking of Masoutis near Nea Moundania which is approx 25euros, so most prob be about 15+ euros, but there is a smaller Masoutis just outside of Kalithea (bit more expensive but sells heinz beans Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Prices - 14 years ago
Hi Ariana The taxi to Lidl would be too expensive so I would recommend shopping at masoutis the prices are a little higher but still cheaper than a taxi! The taxi is approx 25 euros one way. Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Sakis Greek Night ... reservations
- 14 years ago
Hi Sakis! Thank you for another wonderful night!!!! we all thoroughly enjoyed it even throughout the thunder storm! the new canopies worked a treat it was great to sit there with the cool breeze and watch the rain outside, not as good as watching you dance though LOL See you again end of July and August, will email you shortly as my sister would like to hire a car from you in August. I haveby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: 6 more sleeps!! - 14 years ago
Hi Steve! WooHooo I have just finished work now and have two weeks back at home and yes its gonna be a hot one or two weeks! already stifling out there, hubby says has been in 90's and 70's in the nightime! have a great time with that cold Mythos!!! Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Sakis Greek Night ... reservations
- 14 years ago
Hi Sakis! Please can you add 1 more to the table on the 19th June, efharisto para poli x x xby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Prices in supermarkets - 14 years ago
Hi Kalipso Bring your tea bags and coffee with you. Buy the bread from the bakers its cheaper ie .80c Will you have self catering facilities with an oven? If you do and are not going to eat out then you will easy get buy on about 15-20 euros per day for a couple, may even get a bottle of retsina or mythos included! Have a great timeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: sorry cant make it this year - 14 years ago
Hi Ian Hope all is well your end and hope to meet up next time! Best Wishes Jane & Jackby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: sakis acropolis taverna kriopigi - 14 years ago
Ohhhhh Boooooo I can't make 3rd July as back in UK to work I can make the Saturday before typical! not to worry will catch up altogether one day Have a great time everyone! Jane & Jack +Tomby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: strike action - 14 years ago
Hi Airport strikes are usually once a month on a wednesday the last one was yesterday so doubt there will be anymore this month unless of course the Volcano in Iceland decides to blow up again which is looking possible! Happy Hols!by JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Sakis Greek Night ... reservations
- 14 years ago
Hi Sakis! Can you please make a reservation for us for the Sat 19th June about 7.30 pm until closing (hahahahaaaa) for 4 adults and not so little Tom! he is twice the size he was last year, he said please could you get extra plates for him to smash!! Will also be looking to join the others the following Saturday I think but I will post again for the other dates. Will be bringing my Mumby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Looking for Apartment in Polychrono - 14 years ago
Hi try the villa oasis gr, they have great apartments with private beachby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Menia Maria boat trip - 14 years ago
Hi I think it is Meli Tours that hires the Menia Maria boats, if you google them they have info about the tours but not this years prices yet. Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Weather - 14 years ago
Hi Maya Probably not warm enough to swim 2nd May although people have done...Brrrrrrrr! if you google accuweather it will give you a 15 day forecast. At the moment it is raining and cold spose to pick up end of this week and no turning back I hope Roll on the good times Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: sakis acropolis taverna kriopigi - 14 years ago
Hi Sakis! Steve! Nearly time Ooooo free wine I have family comming over x 3 this year so that will obviously mean I will have to come and show them the Greek Night!!! what an excuse eh?? See you all soon, Steve let me know the dates you'll be at Acroplis Yiammas Jane & Jackby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: 2 or 3 bedroom house for long term - 14 years ago
Hi Tonie You would need approx the following to live either Thessaloniki/Halkidiki 550-800+ euros per month rent 25e per month cesspool emptying (if you have one) 60e per month telephone + internet (free international calls) 100e per month electric and community charges 300e + per month petrol for heating (winter months, dec-march) 150-200e per week food & shopping 50e every 6 monby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Nationwide exchange rate - 14 years ago
Hi 13th Feb nationwide exchange rate 1.148 and 17th Feb 1.145 according to my bank statement so not quite 1.20 yet, fingers crossedby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Re: Home Made English Breakfast Sausages - 14 years ago
Yes but you know what us English tourist are like! 10 fags 4 frappes whilst eating egg, bacon, beans and sausages!! LOLby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki
Home Made English Breakfast Sausages - 14 years ago
Hi If there are any restaraunters out there intrested in home made English breakfast sausages please email me. I am English and live just outside Halkidiki. I make them to order and the are fresh on the day! Janeby JaneSeymour - Halkidiki