Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti

Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti

Posted by Helen 
Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
October 25, 2004 05:19PM
Hi there people

Ive just come back from Hanioti and spent a fabulous week with numerous fab people and Branco from Kelfos, hes a great guy and we all said we would stay in touch, unfortunatly ive lost everyone's contact details so anyone from the Angelo last week, please email me asap - and if anyone has Branco's contact number, can you please let me know - many thanks peeps

Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
October 26, 2004 01:34PM
Hi Helen

i know some people from the angelo, who's numbers did you need from there?? did you fall for one of them????? i may be able to help you with their numbers

Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
October 26, 2004 02:00PM

Was after Branco's number from Kelfos, also Herkules (can't remember how u spell it) email address from angelo. Didn't fall for em but had a great week with them all cos the hotel was quite empty so spent all week together and wanted to stay in touch as weve booked to go next year.

Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
October 26, 2004 02:25PM
i have branco's number - but he doesnt tend to ansa his phone or reply to text messages!!
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
October 26, 2004 02:42PM
Didn't think he was one for keepin in touch but ya never know, can u email it to me - im at Take it you don't know anythin for Herkules then ?
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
October 26, 2004 03:01PM
Helen - I will be able to get you a contact number for Hercules and the Angelo, will get back to you.
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
October 27, 2004 08:27PM

Did u get my email add to send that number to if poss ????


Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 23, 2005 05:23PM
I also have Branco's number but he never replies to texts unless he knows im going back over to hanioti. Typical male.... if hes not gettin it, hes not interested!
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 24, 2005 01:03PM

I managed to get his number a couple of months ago and have been in contact with him since. I know what you mean about typical male tho !
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 24, 2005 04:36PM
Where is this famous Branko guy from?
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 24, 2005 05:57PM
He works in Kelfos Bar in Hanioti but lives over in Skopje during the winter months.
Bit of a ladies man if u get me...............and doesn't exactly keep in touch with everyone he meets !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 17/04/2006 08:48PM by Nikos.
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 24, 2005 06:40PM
Yes I got that from all the messages posted here! He seems like he is the most popular man on Kassandra! I hope he's worth all the trouble winking smiley
I've been going to the area for ages but have never ever been to Kelfos. Any other interesting guys in Kelfos? How is the bar in general?
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 25, 2005 01:17PM
Its pretty good, but when I went it was end of season so not everywhere was open to compare it against !
Hes a nice guy and is very popular, the problem is every girl who meets him expects him to keep in touch etc but its a new girl every plane load so they should just take it as a bit of holiday fun and leave it at that. He might be cute but not worth gettin upset about !!!

Suppose im lucky that hes stayed in contact really but im going out to work there this year so would end up bumping into him in any case.
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 25, 2005 04:33PM
I couldn't agree more!
Anyway, I'll be coming with my friends for a holiday to the area this summer, and we'll drop by Kelfos for sure to check it out, so we'll see you then!!!
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 25, 2005 05:38PM
Cool.....pop into Waikiki Bar near the Hotel Angelo too as thats where im working.
C u then
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
February 28, 2005 10:41AM
Oh, you'll be in Waikiki, cool, I've been there before, will see you then for sure!!!

Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
March 04, 2005 06:35PM
When are you coming ?
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
March 06, 2005 10:49PM

when are you starting work in Waikiki then? are you starting after your holiday?
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
March 07, 2005 10:44AM
I am coming either at the end of June or at the beggining of August, still not sure!
Re: Kelfos Bar.......Hanioti
December 27, 2005 09:14PM
ý want visit kelfos hanioti and emiliossmiling smiley)
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