It is snowing

It is snowing

Posted by Nikos 
It is snowing
February 16, 2008 09:40AM
09:35 local time. It has been snowing for the last hour.
If it doesn't stop, I will post pictures on the photo album

Forum Admin
nikos at

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 19/02/2008 12:51PM by Nikos.
Re: It is snowing
February 16, 2008 11:55AM
I have uploaded a couple of photos (
More to come.

Forum Admin
nikos at

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 16/02/2008 11:56AM by Nikos.
Re: It is snowing
February 16, 2008 03:24PM
looks nice lol, but im due to arrive there in two weeks, was hoping the weather to be warmer and sunnyer than here in the uk lol
Re: It is snowing
February 16, 2008 04:58PM
me too ! Arrive in just under four weeks time and was hoping for a bit warmer than here!
Re: It is snowing
February 16, 2008 09:36PM
Hey Nick

love your snowy pictures, and the others on your own web site, specially the one that looks like a strange lunar landscape you would never guess it is Greece. Can we have some pics of the St Georges day celebration this year for Hanioti if they still have it. If you manage to go. I can never see why Hanioti does'nt advertise this at all, I had a great time there and nearly won a goat on the Raffle lol..........Jane and Angie you'll love it if you hav'nt been before that is

Better than St Georges day over here.........
Re: It is snowing
February 17, 2008 10:00AM
It stopped snowing since yesterday evening. Today is a cold and shiny day. I just uploaded another photo taken a couple of minutes ago.

Forum Admin
nikos at
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