Work in Hanioti

Work in Hanioti

Posted by roy 
Work in Hanioti
July 24, 2004 08:11PM
If any one is interested the fish and chip shop in Hanioti is looking for staff for the rest of the summer.Let me know if you are interested
Re: Work in Hanioti
July 24, 2004 08:40PM
Ooh if anyone goes to work there can you say hi to the cute little blonde guy (only looks about 17)works there from the bird that bought him a beer in Bubbles!!!!!!
Re: Work in Hanioti
July 24, 2004 10:37PM
I might know someone who may be interested and who is in Hanioti at the moment. I will try and get hold of them, I know where the fish and chip shop is. I think I spoke to you in the Hot Goblin when I was out there in June, are you the chap that owns it and is married to a greek lady? Would it have to be for the rest of the summer? What sort of hours were you thinking of? I will come back to you.
Re: Work in Hanioti
July 25, 2004 09:26AM
It's Leigh that owns Hot Goblin!
Re: Work in Hanioti
July 25, 2004 10:47PM
r they by ne chance lookin 4 ne1 for nxt yr? ive got this yr sussed!
Re: Work in Hanioti
July 26, 2004 07:55PM
I don't own it and they are looking for someone for the rest of the summer
Re: Work in Hanioti
January 12, 2016 12:51AM
hey my name is Amy,
I am looking for work over the summer in hanioti, I really need some help, thank you if anyone can help me
Nicole Onodi
Re: Work in Hanioti
March 18, 2016 09:39PM
Hello, me and my friend are looking for a job during summer smiling smiley
I am 21 years old, tourism student..and my friend is Jovan, who is 22 years old - student of organic crop production.And we are from Serbia.
Anyway, we are looking for a job - as a barstaff, in the income agency...anything at all smiling smiley so if you have some job offers, please contact me, my e-mail adress is:
Re: Work in Hanioti
May 03, 2016 05:47PM
Hello, we are couple, 32 old and 25 old from Bulgaria and looking for any jobs. We are hard working and friendly. We speak English, Russian and Bulgarian.
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