New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line

New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line

Posted by Jane 
New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
July 07, 2010 04:44PM
Just testing out a new webcam. It is located at our home in Possidi, Kassandra. It is mounted at the rear of our house and looks down the garden and across the valley to the olive groves beyond.

It is pan and tilt camera, but the use of this feature will not be available to visitors during the testing phase. I will move the camera to show a different live view each day.

This is a night vision camera, so daylight pictures seem a little colour-washed due to its infra red sensitivity.

The camera can be viewed here The user name is visitor and the password must be kept blank.

Firefox and IE users may have to download a small piece of javascript to be able to view the camera before log in.

If anyone needs any help with the log in page, please get back to me.

Some feedback would be nice as to if the camera is working OK would be appreciated. Later I will release a user name and password to allow visitors to pan and tilt the camera.
Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
July 07, 2010 06:40PM
Hi Jane,

thumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs up

I have been testing the same camera lately. This camera is not suitable for outdoor use and you should protect from moisture and rain with a camera dome. You should also avoid direct sunlight.

thumbs up smileythumbs up smileythumbs up smiley

Forum Admin
nikos at
Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
July 08, 2010 09:04AM
Good morning Jane,

I see it is quite windy in Possidi today.

Forum Admin
nikos at
Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
July 08, 2010 03:26PM
Hi Jane,

I have been trying to log on to your webcam but as soon as I enter the password on the Log in page I get thrown out and an error message appears saying that tab has been closed due to a malicious add-on or malfunction ! Any ideas ?

Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
July 10, 2010 07:39PM
Sorry for delay folks, the webcam is being tested by hubby on my forum account. So I will let him answer you.

Niko, yes it was extremely windy that day......!!

Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
July 10, 2010 07:43PM

Did you match the log in type with your browser on the log in page? There are two ways to log in depending on which browser you have.

For internet explorer you must use the top log in where you enter the user name and password, then click log on. Or the bottom method for Firefox, Opera, Safari etc., where you first click the log in button when a box will open to enter the user name and password.

I have only tried to log into the camera using Mozilla Firefox. If you are using IE maybe it is your security settings. These may be stopping you logging in.

Try again and report back please.

Regards, Martyn
Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
July 10, 2010 07:45PM
To everyone else, the performance of streaming webcams relies in a great part to the amount of band width available. Here in Greece especially in rural areas we have very low band width. So please be patient when viewing the images.

When I release a user name and password to be able to pan and tilt the camera some delays in this operation will be inevitable due to band width limitations.

Regards, Martyn
Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
September 24, 2010 06:48AM
send mi information about it
Re: New live streaming Halkidiki Webcam on line
September 25, 2010 06:03PM
Sorry, this webcam has been taken down as we are leaving Greece.
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