car hire for £20 per day

car hire for £20 per day

Posted by stevvieboy 
car hire for £20 per day
July 28, 2009 11:32AM
hiya...i,m ;looking to hire a car for around £20per day..this is what i paid last year on zante for a suzuki car...krioigi cars are asking for a lot more than there any other car hire firms around polichrono..................tks
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 28, 2009 01:42PM
Hi Stevvieboy

We had to rent a car for 3 weeks earlier this year and did find places that were cheaper but what you have to realise is that there are an awful lot of things you dont get with regards to the insurance side of things. We chose Kriopigi cars because they include absoultely everything for the money. You do pay a little extra with them but for the peace of mind I would go with Kriopigi cars.

In the event you do have a problem Kriopigi cars do all the written work and documentation, even down to sorting out the speeding tickets if it happens, other companies will not sort out the legeal side of things so you are left with Greek paperwork etc. Also Kriopigi will translate and help out if any problems arise or you are stopped by police etc.

So for absolute peace of mind I would go with Kriopigi cars, we are doing the same again when we come back tomorrow. I also felt Kriopigi Cars where very approachable and always willing to help whatever you problems or advice you needed.

Hope this is helpful

Jane grinning smiley
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 28, 2009 03:09PM
The Euro was at a diffrent exchange last year, I think you will find a car close to that price at Kriopigi Cars if you book for a week or more, try down sizeing ? ( there is a credit crunch going on).
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 28, 2009 04:18PM
the price i was quoted was for a small car.....i still think they are dearer than they should be....there must be cheaper out there///
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 28, 2009 04:51PM
I think £20 per day for even a small car is pretty cheap in peak season. I was in Halkidiki in early July and had a car for 8 days with Avis, we always use them cos my friend works for them so we get discount! Even with the discount we still paid about £20 per day for the smallest car (although they always upgrade us - last time we had an Opel Astra) plus we paid extra on top of that for the ful insurance so there would be no excess to pay.

I would suggest going with Kriopigi Cars just because I have heard a lot of good things about them and recommendation goes a long way, I used to rep out there in the early 90s and saw people get badly stung but 'dodgy' local firms. I once hired a car from a local firm in Thessalonika, the car was cheap but awful - big old banger with dodgy brakes and a dent in the side. When we returned it the woman tried to tell us we had made the dent and had to pay for it, even though it was clearly marked on the form! Not a nice way to end the holiday...

I have no vested interest in Kriopigi Cars and must be one of the few people on this forum that doesn't know the famous Sakis!

There are other car hire companies in all villages (maybe a Google search would bring them up) but who knows what you would end up with if anything went wrong...
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 29, 2009 07:41AM
last time i was in halkidiki i used a small car firm in fourka and they were fine.....i cant remember the name tho...anybody know ???...i contacted kriopigi and the feel i got was they had the monopoly over there and it was a take it or leave it attitude...i dont like that...
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 29, 2009 07:25PM
I have to totally agree with Jane, Kriopigi cars is the best out there, I always hire from them, yes they may be a few euros a day more but for that you are completely covered for everything, like everyone does I did have a look around before I went this year and yes I could of got a car a few euros a day cheaper but when you go into the small print which I suggest you do very carefully you normally end up with an exess of anything between 450 and 1000 euros, which is down to you to pay what ever happens, so for those few euros more I would choose KC Cars anytime, and I really cant believe the atitude thing, Sakis and Yannis are the most helpful people around.
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 29, 2009 08:09PM
i,m just telling you how it is MR STEVE.........i do read the smallprint and i do not hire anything unless it suits me not the car company.
Re: car hire for £20 per day
July 29, 2009 10:44PM
Then its seems to me that you dont need any help then, so why ask???????????????
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