Posted by teich66
polichrono/kostas July 18, 2008 02:46PM |
IP/Host: ---.range86-138.btcentralplus.com Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 2 |
Re: polichrono/kostas July 19, 2008 06:15PM |
IP/Host: ---.range86-134.btcentralplus.com Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 76 |
Re: polichrono/kostas July 19, 2008 07:25PM |
IP/Host: ---.proxy.aol.com Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 32 |
There was 10 of us that went to Kostas in June had a fab time,you will get a beer for around 2-3€,we feed 10 of us for around 80€ a time,which wasnt bad.Be sure to go to the Cockney cafe and have a breakfast you wont get one better anywhere else.Take euro's you are better off that way,If there is anything else please ask.We are going back next week but we are staying in Afitos
There was 10 of us that went to Kostas in June had a fab time,you will get a beer for around 2-3€,we feed 10 of us for around 80€ a time,which wasnt bad.Be sure to go to the Cockney cafe and have a breakfast you wont get one better anywhere else.Take euro's you are better off that way,If there is anything else please ask.We are going back next week but we are staying in Afitos
Re: polichrono/kostas July 20, 2008 08:22PM |
IP/Host: ---.cdif.cable.ntl.com Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 2 |
thanks for the info both, we cant waite to go. I have read all about the Cockney cafe and I think that will be our first port of call when we get there, but if there are any good bars or restaurants you think we should try please let me know, we dont do fast food but we like to eat greek, steak ect. Also, did you get a better exchange rate over there or did you take all euros with you as i know the rate over here is only about 1.18 . thanks
Re: polichrono/kostas July 20, 2008 09:57PM |
IP/Host: 78.148.84.--- Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 78 |
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