Hanioti weather

Hanioti weather

Posted by Nat 
Hanioti weather
April 30, 2008 03:50PM
Hi all

We are flying out tomorrow and staying in hanioti. Been looking at the weather reports and its given it out for rain all next week!!

As most holidays are centered around it been sunny i was just wondering if there was much to do if it does indeed rain all next week.


Re: Hanioti weather
April 30, 2008 04:59PM
Hi there Nat, well i can answer your question about what there is to do when it rains in Hanioti, absolutely nothing, we were there in Sept 2006 and it rained most of the time!
Oh by the way, guess what? We are flying out on Mon 5th May!!!
Re: Hanioti weather
April 30, 2008 07:38PM
All the weather reports give different weather. We should have had rain yesterday and it was beautiful and sunny, so don't worry ! Hanioti in the rain, well youcould hire a car and take a look round the rest of the peninsula. Sometimes when it rains here it may be raining in Hanioti and perfectly clear in Nea Skioni........

I am sure you will have a great time. We arrived early March and the weather was lovely then. We have had about three days in total rain since then, a few cloudy days, one really cold day and it is now getting hotter each day. The temp in the shade at 0830 today was 17.3, the best yet.
Re: Hanioti weather
April 30, 2008 07:38PM
The best yet meaning at 0830 hrs of course !
Re: Hanioti weather
April 30, 2008 11:08PM
Greek TV gave weather for Friday as 24 degrees and sunny in Halkidiki. All the other weather reports seem OK for most of the next week, perhaps one day of cloud and showers.

Should be fine. cross fingers....
Re: Hanioti weather
May 03, 2008 07:29PM
As we are going out to Pefkohori on Monday we hope & pray the weather doesn't turn out like the reports say! (rain,clouds& rain,rain & more rain) anyway Gyros and Mythos are a good combo!
Here's hoping...
Re: Hanioti weather
May 10, 2009 06:41PM
Hi.me and my family are flying out to hanoiti on the 30th may.Anyone good at predictions of weather?!!! whats the chances of rain?
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