Baby products

Baby products

Posted by helen11/09/08 
Baby products
February 06, 2008 03:38PM
Hi i am coming to halkidiki in september with my family which will include my 14 month old daughter and my 6 month old nephew, I was wondering what products are available to buy over there i as really dont wnt to take 2 weeks worth of nappies,baby wipes and milk for my nephew. Please cn somebody let me know how much items are and what brands are available. i know its oing to cost me more over there than here as i use all tescos products and sma milk.

Hope to here from you soon

Re: Baby products
February 06, 2008 06:09PM
All the supermarkets stock baby stuff. I dont know prices offhand as I dont have babies, haha!! Bit old for that. However, if no-one comes back to you before we get there 14 March, I will take a look at prices for you. There is also a LIDL just outside Kallithea. Not sure where you are staying or whether you will have a car. Hope that helps a bit.
Re: Baby products
February 06, 2008 09:01PM

let me know on which products and brands you are interested in and I will send you the prices.

Forum Admin
nikos at
Re: Baby products
February 06, 2008 09:20PM
i will need nappies wipes and sma formula food i use tecos nappies which you wont have over there so just prices on own brnd nappies or huggies and pampers will do ant any wipes.

Thank you

Re: Baby products
February 06, 2008 09:38PM
A 3 pack of Pampers baby wipes (72 wipes on each packet) costs 5,68 Euros (I bought one today).
For the rest, I'll check the prices tomorrow

Forum Admin
nikos at
Re: Baby products
February 06, 2008 09:39PM

what "sma formula food" is?

Forum Admin
nikos at
Re: Baby products
February 07, 2008 12:31AM
SMA is a brand of baby milk!

Re: Baby products
February 08, 2008 09:45PM
Hi Helen

We took our 18 month old boy over to Fourka Halkidiki in may last year.

we had no trouble getting nappies we also use Tesco`s but could only get Pampers or greek made nappies which were as good as Tesco

Wipes we found in the euro shop (like poundstretchers) they were 1 euro

Pampers were from 15 euro to 18 euro. for 58 nappies
Greek make were around 12 euro for 42 nappies.

hope nikos can find cheaper for you LOL.

i suggest if baby is only used to SMA then take your own buttttttttttt they must be sealed and in your suitcase not hand luggage we gave baby water on the flight out and back to UK

the milk out there is in greek so if your not sure then take your own ........... but if baby is not bothered then all will be ok.

have a great time in greece

Re: Baby products
February 09, 2008 02:01PM
Hi Helen,

Just checked the prices

Lidl: 50 pieces, 7-18 kgr --> 8,99 Euros
Pampers: 56 - 62 pieces -->19,00 to 20,00 Euros (depending on baby weigth)
Other brands: 54 - 62 pieces --> 15,50 to 18,50 Euros (depending on baby weigth)

Powder milk for babies older than 6 months
There are various brands. I just wrote down the average prices
450gr --> 6,50 to 7,10 Euros
900gr --> 13,8 to 19,30 Euros

Hope this helps

Forum Admin
nikos at
Re: Baby products
February 10, 2008 10:31PM
Thank you so much for your help its been a great help.

Sam Everard
Food Prices
June 03, 2008 01:45PM
Hi I was just wondering how expensive the food is in Halkadiki, we are going self catering in September and wondered if we should try and take some of our own food. Any comments are apprecaited. Thanks in advance
Re: Baby products
June 03, 2008 02:46PM
Just name a few products and I will send you the prices. My office is opposite to a large supermarket

Forum Admin
nikos at
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