Thessaloniki to Hanioti

Thessaloniki to Hanioti

Posted by pierrethedog 
Thessaloniki to Hanioti
February 01, 2008 12:12AM
Hi, we will be a family of five coming over for our first time in July for two weeks. Does anyone know of a taxi firm that will take five on a transfer from the airport to Hanioti (and back). The only sites I can find on the web want over £400 for a minibus?
Otherwise I was thinking of a hire car, but don't fancy driving in Greece.
Anyone any ideas please?
Re: Thessaloniki to Hanioti
February 01, 2008 01:37AM

We are going to Afitos in August and had the same problem. Taxis worked out too expensive for 5 of us so we've hired a small car for 2 weeks from Kriopigi Cars. They will meet us at the airport with the car which three of us will use to drive to Afitos in and they have agreed to take 2 passengers for a small fee (much less than a taxi fare). They will do the same again at the end of our holiday. The car will seat 5 people so we can all use it during our holiday but would not accommodate all our luggage as well. They worked out cheaper than the larger car hire companies and their communication and service has been excellent.

Re: Thessaloniki to Hanioti
February 01, 2008 09:42AM
Of the five of you, how many are adults? If all five, then we cant help. But if there are some children then we maybe able to pick you up and take you back in our range rover for a small charge. Send me a private email if interested and we can discuss further. We live there March til October, so a trip to the airport is not much of a problem now and then.
Re: Thessaloniki to Hanioti
February 02, 2008 12:46AM
Am I a bit thick, but I can't seem to be able to privately email Jane??!
Re: Thessaloniki to Hanioti
February 02, 2008 09:29AM
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Re: Thessaloniki to Hanioti
February 03, 2008 09:01PM
I have sent you a private message pierrethedog. Let me know either way, no problems whatever you choose to do, just so we know what we are doing or planning. Cheers. Jane
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