Royal Kosta's Polichrono

Royal Kosta's Polichrono

Posted by blankie 
Royal Kosta's Polichrono
January 24, 2008 03:56PM
We are off to Polichrono on the 2nd june for 2 weeks,staying at the Royal Kosta's,has anyone been there,and what is it like?
We went to Afitos last year and had a fantastic time,how far away is Afitos to Polichrono,as i would like to go there for a couple of days to meet up with a few friends we met.
I can't wait to go,is ther anything for the kids to do in Polichrono as i have 4 girls
Blankie x
Re: Royal Kosta's Polichrono
January 24, 2008 11:13PM
Went there for the 1st time last year. Loved it, and would/will go again.
Accomodation is the best we've had in Greece... very roomy and clean, tv & free aircon!

1st impressions were a bit worrying, going down a side track off the main road, but once you get your bearings (which is easy as everything is sea-wards), it's fantastic.

If you go on any excursions, the pick-up / drop-off point is on the main road, less than 2 mins walk away, as is the cash machine at the same place.
Don't worry we didn't hear any noise from the main road.

Head down to the beach, and you have a greengrocer on the left... lovely melons!
You then come to a kind of t-junction whereby you have a supermarket to the left, and a bakery to the right (rolls, sandwiches, & pasties for lunch - cream cakes and ice-cream when passing in the evening), further to the left from the bakery is another supermarket, and then a couple of places where you can book excursions (prices are much less than those booked through your tour operator).

All this is less than 5 mins walk from the apartments.
Walk less than 3 mins further and you get to the beach.

Hope that helps

Re: Royal Kosta's Polichrono
January 26, 2008 12:10PM
Thanks for the info,can't wait now

blankie x
Re: Royal Kosta's Polichrono
March 22, 2008 10:10PM

not long now,can anyone tell me how far Afitos is away from polichrono please,as we went there last year and would love to go for the day

blankie x x
Re: Royal Kosta's Polichrono
March 25, 2008 03:48PM
Hi blankie

Afitos is only about a 20 or so min taxi ride from Polychrono obviously longer (but cheaper) by bus.
Re: Royal Kosta's Polichrono
April 13, 2008 11:36AM

Thanks for that only 7 weeks to go,any more info on Polichrono would be great..........

Re: Royal Kosta's Polichrono
April 14, 2008 10:32AM

Polichrono is a quiet laid back resort, there a music bar at each end of the beach but most of the nightlife centres around the restaurants. There's a fair selection of restauarants along the sea front and up the side streets from Greek, Pizza, Pasta, fast food and also the Cockney Cafe if you need some good old english grub. .

Beach is sand an shingle and about half a mile long with plenty of beds for hire.

I've been to Polichrono for the last 7 years and will be back on 1st June for 5 days and then back again two weeks alter for a fortnight so you get the impression that I like the place.

For more lively nightlife you could go to Hanioti whihc is only 5-10 minuts away in a cab.

Hve a good time.

Re: Royal Kosta's Polichrono
June 25, 2008 11:26AM

Well had a fantastic holiday,would recommend it to anyone,only thing that was poor was the self catering side of it.

Having 4 kids it was really hard as we didnt want to go out all the time to eat,there is only 2 electric rings to make a meal,really there should be a toaster or a mircowave.But all in all a great holiday.

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