nikos @halkidiki forum

nikos @halkidiki forum

Posted by cockneystaff 
nikos @halkidiki forum
October 26, 2007 09:58PM
dear nikos, i respect your decision to close the cockney cafe thread, but i would ask you to reconsider,because a lot of people contact us through it.we will NOT mention mr Norman again,yours COCKNEYSTAFF.
Re: nikos @halkidiki forum
October 26, 2007 10:59PM
is it not possible to just start a new thread ???
Re: nikos @halkidiki forum
October 27, 2007 12:20PM
The matter is now over.
Re: nikos @halkidiki forum
October 29, 2007 08:23PM
I'm really sorry that I had to close that thread.
You can always start a new one.

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