Polichrono places to eat

Polichrono places to eat

Posted by Dawn 
Polichrono places to eat
August 31, 2006 10:52PM
Can anyone recommend good places to eat in Polichrono for authentic greek food. Also does any one know of good value for money trips.
Thanks a lot
Re: Polichrono places to eat
August 31, 2006 11:28PM
They are all nice places we have some favourites , on the sea front ,, gallini , flegera ...... also nefele[spelling]

A good one is to mount athos , coach , boat , long day but interesting ,.

Walk down to the end of the front and have a beer and chill at Bar Nemo .

When you going ?
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 01, 2006 11:18PM
Thanks for advice. We are going on 25th September to Royal Kostas Apartments.
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 02, 2006 12:40AM
We are going on the 30th , we will be in one of them , probably Galllini sat 30th night ,,, we are staying at Bar Nemo apartments ,,, may see you there for a beer ,,,,
This will be our 2nd trip this year , and lost count of trips over the last few years , it is a totally relaxing chilled out place ,with fantastic people ,,,,,,,, only down side is IT WILL RAIN at some time so bring a waterproof /umbrella etc,,,,,,
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 09, 2006 07:44PM
Yes we will try to be there on the Saturday night about 8pm, will be fun to meet. You won't miss us my husband David is 6ft 5ins tall with glasses and thinning hair. I am about a foot + shorter!
Happy hols.
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 09, 2006 08:33PM
Hi Dawn

If you mean bar nemo , @ 8ish ,,,it is on the sea front right at the end of the path/road , north end @ 15 tables right on the beach we will be there around that time may be closer to 9 pm ,,, if you get to the bar , there will be either a slim girl about 35years old [Wassiliki ]or [Demitre ] a guy with long hair and ask for Julie and David ,,,,,, they will tell you , ha ha ha ha ha , as we are now a piece of furniture there ,, if you are not there sat ,, we will be there most nights @10pm onwards. If we don't get to meet enjoy a fantastic place .
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 09, 2006 10:43PM
Andy Hartnett
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 10, 2006 01:27PM
Go and visit the Akrogiali restaurant, (signposed off the sea front). All fresh food, good service and quality meals cooked by LLazarus, (Larry). My brother-in-law held his wedding reception there last month. It was fantastic!
September 12, 2006 05:28PM
we will change our furniture this year...dave!!!need something modern...,but we will keep the couch named julie....love you...zisis:-)
Re: nemo
September 13, 2006 01:59AM
zisis Wrote:
> we will change our furniture this
> year...dave!!!need something modern...,but we will
> keep the couch named julie....love you...zisis:-)

Hi Zisis.

Hope you have a great concert and birthday ,,, if we don't see you this trip see you next time , Julie said she is not a couch ,,, ha ha ha ha ha ha ,,, well words to that effect , cant swear on here !!!!!

Love & Hugs
D & J xxxxxxxxxxx

Jeff fourkas mad dog man
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 14, 2006 12:22AM
hope you try the cake/coffee shop next to police station and across from supermarket i can RECCOMEND it

yum yum smiling smiley
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 14, 2006 11:20AM
They are all nice places we have some favourites , on the sea front ,, gallini , flegera ...... also nefele[spelling]

We went to Polichrono in july (stayed at the Alkyon in Kriopigi) for my girlsfriends 18th, most of the family was there.

In Polichrono we had a meal at Nefele's restaurant. We had tried others in Polichrono over the last few years and they were all very good, but Nefele's topped it for us. Beautiful place to eat with an indoor garden type thing, very helpful waiters and an excellent choice for food. We were all very very impressed and i would recommend trying Nefele's (only a short walk down the beach front heading right from the road that the taxi rank is on.)
Re: Polichrono places to eat
September 26, 2006 01:46PM
Hi Dawn
Don't know if you will get this but nemo bar is now closed ,,, so we will be in Gallini restaurant .
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