shopping in Thessaloniki

shopping in Thessaloniki
March 13, 2006 05:13PM
Hi I am wondering if somebody can tell me about shopping in Thessalonikie. Where to go?

Re: shopping in Thessaloniki
March 14, 2006 08:55AM
The shopping in Thessaloniki is very good - head for "Tzimiziki street" where you'll find all the best shops - it's right in the centre.
Re: shopping in Thessaloniki
March 14, 2006 09:10AM
Try Aristotles Square for a frappe then head for the old indoors market. There is a fish market selling all kinds of fish, shell fish etc which is fascinating just to look round, then a market selling herbs, olive oil, corks (all manner of sizes for bottles !!) and lots of other bits and bobs. A lovely taverna called Smyrnie where all the locals go and you can go and choose from the display cabinets. Outside the market shopping centre where the USA embassy is (just near the market, but cannot remember name offhand at the moment) there is a lovely delicattessen and you can find some great bargains in there, and you must get some Greek saffron, cheaper than in the UK and it is supposed to be the best in the world, great for presents as it is lightweight to pack and useful for cooks.

All around Tzimiski like Mathew says there are all the best shops. Try down the small streets heading to the port again and there are some little gems too. Some really expensive shops, some very average priced, all brilliant.

Hope this helps.
Re: shopping in Thessaloniki
March 14, 2006 12:33PM
Thank you,all!

I'll try to find these places.
Re: shopping in Thessaloniki
March 23, 2006 03:24PM
We spend the last day of our holiday every year in Thessaloniki. Lunch / Dinner in the Block House Restaurant near the port. Best steaks / salads in Greece! Nice city and ideal to travel on to the airport for a late flight.
Re: shopping in Thessaloniki
June 06, 2006 09:48AM
Hi, can someone tell me where I can find big supermarkets in Thessaloniki, for buying food and staff like that. Thanks. Mima
Re: shopping in Thessaloniki
June 06, 2006 07:50PM
Mima, walk up Aristoteles street from the waterfront, just before you get to the Roman excavations take a left down one of those streets and you will eventually end up in the city market, here you can buy all the food you require at a price that is better than any 'supermarket',also household goods, clothes and any thing else that takes your fancy................................................
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