Affordable 3 bedrooms House rental for 1-2 months

Affordable 3 bedrooms House rental for 1-2 months

Posted by Valentina Frangu 
Valentina Frangu
Affordable 3 bedrooms House rental for 1-2 months
July 09, 2020 09:23PM
Dear All,

I hope you can help: I am looking for an affordable, long therm accommodation (1-2 months), starting 15th of July.
We are one family (2 adults + 3 kids) and 1 friend (so 3 bedrooms are needed)
We are not very picky, but the accommodation should be clean and nice. Budget is 1000 eur / month maximum

We prefer a house, swimming pool will be a plus, and as close as possible to the beach, for kids

We will work so decent internet options are needed

Any idea where to look for, are much much appreciated

Have a safe, warm summer everyone!
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