wembley bar

wembley bar

Posted by brian_the_gent 
wembley bar
May 26, 2008 03:33PM
has anyone noticed if its open at all this summer???
Re: wembley bar
June 15, 2008 01:10AM
When we went to Hanioti last year (2007) the Wembley bar was shut, all the football shirts gone etc. I think it was being used as an office (for a travel company maybe?)
Re: wembley bar
June 15, 2008 03:19PM
thanks for the info...so what life and agis????
Re: wembley bar
June 15, 2008 08:21PM
Agiss was last seen working on Sky Sports telling every one the nickname of the teams and home grounds. Life has gone to start the revolution but not sure where. But truth is I do not know what has happened to them.
Re: wembley bar
June 15, 2008 10:13PM
Can't remember which one was which, I remember the nice older guy telling us the story about his dog being poisoned in the past. I wonder what happened to the one they had the other year?
We gave them a Man city shirt in 2005.
Re: wembley bar
June 15, 2008 10:59PM
i was at the bar in mid oct'06 when they were closing up for the season and brought down every football strip and they were talking about going to limassol,cyprus to set up[it seems that agiss mother lives there] and by the last night the bar looked so bare with all the football strips off the walls etc...have'nt heard any concrete details of them since then,also agiss was going out with Joanne i think her name who at that time did the entertainment in the evenings at the Amestysos
Re: wembley bar
August 08, 2008 04:52PM
anyone with any type of update this summer ??
chris peake
Re: wembley bar
September 16, 2008 03:46PM
I went to Limassol last week and found the new Wembley Bar. From outside I thought I had found Life and Akis, same sign, same colour walls and shirts hanging up. I was sort of right, it was the bar started by Life, Akis and Joanna but only Joanna remains.
It obviously turned fairly ugly and she was not complimentary about the two of them particularly Akis. They stayed for 3 months but left in acrimony, she was unaware if they had returned to Salonika or stayed in Cyprus but I guess the latter is the case.
So sadly the trail has gone cold, she was unwilling to give me any contact number, if she had one.
Incidentally do not go to Limassol it is a million miles away from the Hanioti style of resort, much more a city, most of the British were ex-pats, hardly any tourists.
Re: wembley bar
September 16, 2008 08:52PM
hi Chris,

thanks for the latest update...Life and Agis are just great...i met Joanna a couple of years ago at

Wembley Bar.Hanioti and to be honest i felt she was using them [my opinion]so a major

fallout does'nt surprise me as Joanna likes things her way...

interesting to finally get an update...many thanks

ps for your next mission..........................
Re: wembley bar
September 18, 2008 10:38PM
Its so sad to walk past and see what is almost the ruins of Life's bar in Hanioti. His signs are stillposted throughout the resort.
Re: wembley bar
September 21, 2008 04:51PM
hi rosemary,

Life is such a guy and he is a big miss...i preferred when his bar was more central just around

from supermarket...when he had to relocate the bar it did not help his business although bigger

premises it was slightly out of the road and you had to make a bit of effort to go whereas his old

bar position was more central for everyone
Re: wembley bar
September 23, 2008 02:23AM
I agree Brian. We first met him in his old place and there was more atmosphere in there than his latter place up at the main road.
Re: wembley bar
October 11, 2009 09:18PM
Hi The gent Rosary Chris peake and any one out there looking for Zizzis (Life) and Parakivas (Akis) and family.

You are not going to see the Wembley bar open again on the Kassandra Pennisula of Halkidiki. By law in Greece you are allowed to open a bar no more than 3 times in one family. Every time they relocated the bar they had to change the name of the owner. hense..... this is why on the last year the bar was in Akis's name. Unless the law changes in Greece they cannot open the bar again in Halkidiki. The plan for the family was to go back to the Mother's roots in Cyprus where they believed thousands of English people would be there as the tourism in Halkidiki was not good. ( This is where Joanne came into there plan ). To take her to Cyprus to finance there future and a new life.

This very unfortunately for them did not work and I believe they are now still living in Thesoloniki Greece. Life's health is not good and I believe Akis is working in the summer on the second Penninsula of Halkidiki ( Sithonia leg) I occasionally see Evros ( the Uncle of Akis ) who has imformed us of this.
The family in Cyrpus do not speak with Life and family and havn't done for years I think there are some major issues but that is there business.

The Wembley bar in Cyprus is none what so ever to do with Life and Akis only that they persuaded Joanne to call the bar Wembley.
Joanne is in partnership with the bar. And I think the idea only was taken from Life and Akis' ( The bar is also up for sale as it was not what she wanted in the first place). www.thewembleypub.com

Can I just say that Limassol in Cyprus is a very beautiful city with beautiful ancient greek history and charm. A wonderful place to live and visit.

If you wanted to find Zizzis ( Life ) and Paraskivas ( Akis ) if you ever visit Hanioti again my advice would be to visit the second penninsula of Halikidiki ( Sithonia ) you may find them working in a bar there.

Good luck to you all in finding your Greek friends

Tony ( London)
Re: wembley bar
October 11, 2009 09:50PM
What a great update Tony! Its good to find out that Life is alive and kicking. Thanks for that. thumbs up
Re: wembley bar
October 11, 2009 10:06PM
By law in Greece you are allowed to open a bar no more than 3 times in one family.

I don't think that this is correct. I will check it further, but I am sure that there is no such law in Greece.

Forum Admin
nikos at halkidiki.com
Re: wembley bar
October 12, 2009 12:49AM
I dont know whether it is true or false but that is the conversation made to the Uncle
Re: wembley bar
October 13, 2009 03:37PM
Great news to hear again of my old friends[ thats what they seem like] not surprised they moved home

as that what you do....thanks Tony11...
Re: wembley bar
December 24, 2009 04:10AM
Re: wembley bar
December 25, 2009 01:02PM
Merry Christmas to Life and Family love Karen and Alan. Come on the Premier League WOLVES !!!!!
Re: wembley bar
January 20, 2010 06:00PM

Check out the Wembley bar Limassol Cyprus for a great nigh out.
This is no affiliation to the Wembley Bar hanioti!!!
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