Getting started for a summer job - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!

Getting started for a summer job - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!

Posted by Shell 
Getting started for a summer job - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!
April 05, 2006 03:36PM
Hi there,

I am interested in summer work in halkidiki however concerned about the reality of doing that.

I have spoken to 'Sky Deals', ( - 0800 975 5477) as I have been advised you cant buy an open ticket for a return you have to just book it as and when you are ready to come back. (If anyone has ever done this before I would really like to know how you went about it) Sky deals have also advised me that travel agents over there would be able to get the best deals. Looking at round £100 if you are to come back at peak season and around £80 end of season.

Looking at the forum I have noticed that a taxi to the airport (from Halkidiki) will set you back around 60euros (unless anyone knows any different) I have told it’s about 80km.

So I think I am on the right route to arranging my return back to the UK however, getting started after my holiday.

My holiday is due to end 29th may so as from the 29th I will need somewhere to stay. Don’t know how this is going to work... do you have to pay the whole season in advance or just pay as you go. How much would it normally cost and what is the average wage? Would I need a lump sum to get me started once my holiday is over???

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!! I’m new to this and going at it alone!!!!!!
(Unless my partner can find work - he is in the building trade - if anyone knows anybody to contact)

Kind Regards,

p.s I haven’t got a job lined up yet. Would it be better to have it sorted before I go or look around there? I have already been speaking to someone that may be able to offer me a job that sounds interesting!
Re: Getting started for a summer job - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!
April 05, 2006 04:30PM
Hiya Shell

Try and use Xl airways for the flights [], i'm using them in june from manchester to halkidiki, and they give the option of one way or return flights.

Best way to get a job is just go around asking once you get there, i'm sure someone will need help through the season.

I think the accomodation will be pay as you go, can't see them asking for the whole months rent up front, they might ask for a bond, but doubt it.

as long as you ask people once you're over there, you'll always find someone who'll help you out.

good luck with your job hunting, and enjoy your summer.

Re: Getting started for a summer job - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!
April 05, 2006 07:06PM
Thanks Graeme!

You have been a great help! i Will take what you have said on board!

Re: Getting started for a summer job - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!
April 06, 2006 10:37AM
Hey Shell,

You came to the right forumboard! Im a girl from holland and i work every year in Kallithéa!!

If you want to enjoy your summer, deffinetelly come tot his place. It's just perfect!

If you've got the name of the place you would like to work/stay, just let me know and I can help you with it!

Kiss Vanya
Re: Getting started for a summer job - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!
April 06, 2006 01:07PM
Shell i've posted on your other message've got your flight sorted going out right coz of the wedding you're going to?So to come home either ask a rep in whichever resort you choose to work in & see if they can get you a flight home(very resonable)or if you don't mind flying back to Gatwick or something then go to internet cafe & check out,their site gives you the option of which country you want to fly from(Greece obviously)& you can pick your day as they fly most days of the week to & from Thessaloniki & they fly through the winter too so you'll always be able to get a flight home.Accomodation.....i've been lucky as mostly accomodation has been provided but not many people offer this anymore,the odd time i have had to pay for accomodation i have had to pay a month in advance(like you do if you rent a flat or something here)then it was monthly rent although some people might want weekly rent,bear in mind you will need a bit of money with you to get you started & to tide you over as the pay over there isn't great.Yes Kalithea is a fab resort BUT if you only speak English it might be harder to get work there as it's mostly Dutch,German,Greek & Norwegians that go there,there are a few hotels that cater for Brits just outside the main part of Kalithea but i'm certain they're all inclusive hotels so people don't tend to venture out much!

smiling smiley
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