any markets in or near Polychrono

any markets in or near Polychrono

Posted by tom & jane 
any markets in or near Polychrono
May 05, 2009 09:46PM
hi can anyone tell me if theres any markets in or near polychrono.if so what days they are on.thumbs up smiley
Re: any markets in or near Polychrono
May 06, 2009 10:11AM
The weekly market is held at Kassandrea on a Tuesday. I feel sure you should be able to get a bus there, but taxi definitely. There are lots of fruit and veg stores, cheese, ouzo and clothing, shoes etc. Not huge like Moudanea, but worth looking round. It is not far, about ten mins by taxi.
Re: any markets in or near Polychrono
May 06, 2009 10:57AM
hi thanks for the the Moudanea market near thessalonika.thumbs up
Re: any markets in or near Polychrono
May 06, 2009 12:11PM
It is about half way in my estimation. Used to take us about half an hour from Mola Kaliva on the other side of the peninsula. Moudanea market is very good, very large and the town itself is a nice working Greek town, with lots of different types of shops and set on the harbour front. We personally like Moudanea very much, but went to the Kassandrea market every week for our groceries as it was much nearer for us and a nice morning out. You can have coffee and cheese pies etc. anywhere on the main street, or any of the little side streets and market day is usually bustling.
Re: any markets in or near Polychrono
May 06, 2009 06:48PM
hi jane thanks very much for the information.we look forward when we get there in 3 weeks 4 days...
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