Animals, dogs, donkeys etc

Animals, dogs, donkeys etc

Posted by Jane 
Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 17, 2005 11:30PM
Hi, I love Greece, I love Halkidiki above all after going there for over 25 years.

Can we possibly extend our feelings about animals over to our friends in Greece! Having lived there for three years the most distressing aspect at all was the animal one. The Greeks have no feelings (in general) at all for stray dogs. But stray dogs happen because someone doesnt care in the first place. It is not the dogs fault that they breed when left to fend for themselves. During our three years living in Halkdiki I have to say the most distressing time for me was during July and August, when if you travelled into Thessaloniki, or even along the road towards the city, you often found the bloated body of one or more dead dogs along the roadside.

I am using this message board to appeal to all my Greek friends and also anyone else who reads it, to just think again on the animal issue. Lots of English and other European countries visit Greece and lots of them do actually like and care for their dogs and cats etc. (not forgetting donkeys, although I know few in England actually own a donkey, but nevertheless we do like them !).

Please, just think about the animals a little. We always feed the stray dogs, take water to the donkeys etc. Just a little thought, and although it hasnt stopped us visiting Greece over the last 25+ years, we have spent a lot of our time helping dogs and donkeys that we felt so sorry for. Donkeys left in the middle of the day in the scorching heat without shelter or water for instance. I know they have survived for years like this, but why should they?

Please, I do not want to upset all our Greek friends and acquaintances, but just a little thought to animal welfare might just bring MORE visitors to Greece.

Personally, I will not go to Spain because of the bull fighting, bull running etc., but on a totally biased opinion (because I love Greece, and my dad was a Greek) I always go to Greece. Please try to think of the animals too, they attract tourists as well !

I know perhaps we in the UK are too Pro animals, but perhaps a little bit of "meeting in the middle" might benefit both sides.

See all my Greek friends next year

Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 10:11AM
Hi Jane,

I totally agree with you. I found it heart breaking seeing all these dogs so skinny and poorly.
Found one of the cutest puppies ever just wandering around all alone, looked after him as much as I could.
My husband had a dog there, it was free but he had looked after it since a puppy so always followed him everywhere.

I know of one lady I think in Fourka who takes in strays. And when I was in Polichrono this summer I did see stands advertising to help protect the dogs and cats. Saw this in Polichrono and in pefkohori so fingers crossed people will start to take note.
My friend adopted a cat and it's now living here in England. We wanted to do the same with my husbands dog but he is happy with a new owner now.
I hope people will listen and start to look after the animals cause I do not a lot of people there that have dogs and love and look after them as we would.
Take care xxxx
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 10:45AM
I think stray-dogs is a problem in Halkidiki. They are hindering us when we want to hike in the nature. You can't trust them. Not so nice to meet a gang of hungry stray-dogs when your'e walking alone at the beach off season....

What can be done to reduce this problem ?
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 12:39PM
Unfortunately it is a problem but like Jane said, it is not the dog's fault.

The Greeks just don't seem to worry about them during the season as they are used to it. I do know that at the end of summer many are killed by poisoning them. The greeks lay down poison or poison food and leave it out then go round collecting all the dead dogs. Not very nice.

I also know a few local people that lost there family pet due to this. If the dog has a collar it generally is being looked after but they are free to run around and go wherever in the villages. In the villages they tend to be friendly not to sure about the ones in the woods, they will be wild and not used to human company and could be dangerous, never saw any there.

It's sad cause it due to lack of compassion from the locals towards animals, no offence cause I love the Greeks but it's just the way it is there.
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 05:39PM
About four years ago there was a German lady vet going around Fourka looking after the stray dogs all the bitches were spayed and the dogs were neutered and marked as done with green collars.
This was payed for by collection tins placed on all the local bars.
We noticed a large change in the number of dogs and their condition over the next few years after this was done (no more starving puppies).
In addition to this there was a scheme set up where tourists could take a dog home for £500 this included all vaccinations quarantine and travel costs we know of several peple who did this. However we have not seen the vet or any collection tins for the dogs for the last two years.
Hence back to the bad old days.
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 07:16PM
Hi everyone, yes when we lived there from 1999 to 2001 there was a German lady vet going round Fourka. There is also a nice Geordie lass married to a Greek who run a petrol station just outside Fourka. She has been organising neutering programmes for a while and still does. However, I think she is moving away from the petrol station, but I am sure we can contact her still.

As for Thomas, yes I can understand being worried when a pack of dogs is about. Where we lived near Skioni one day a pack came round our houses and they were far from friendly, but who can blame them I suppose ! Anyway, in general the local stray hounds are friendly and ever so grateful for a bit of fuss and food.

When we stayed in Kallithea a couple of years ago I was very distressed as there was a beautiful puppy hanging about, very young. I fussed it a little, then went up to my apartment to get something. When I came out it had struggled up the stairs to follow me and was frightened to death when I came towards it, must have thought I was going to hit it or something. I picked her up and took her downstairs and gave her loads of love, but had to leave her when we went out. We were above the bakery at that time (it has now moved) and one morning I saw the owner throw water all over her and scold her. She was only a baby, I cant tell you what I called the man on this site! but it was not good. I tried to take care of her for the three weeks we were there, but I was so worried when we left as it was so near the main road and nobody else seemed to bother about her. Such a tiny little scrap.

I am not ashamed to say that I was crying on my way to the airport as I felt so sorry for her. Needless to say, no dog was around there the following year when we visited.

I love the Greeks to bits, and it is just their culture not to bother about animals in general. But the one thing that does worry me is that we plan to live over there again and this time take our dog. If she got poisoned I just dont know what I would do. Being a labrador she will eat ANYTHING, so I will have to be so vigilant. That is the one big worry I have and although I cannot wait to go out there again long term, this time I will have my dog to worry about too.

Lets hope between us all and our Greek friends, alongside those lovely people who try to rescue and neuter the dogs, that we can turn it around a little. Such a beautiful beautiful place, but sometimes just so distressing to animal lovers.

And, dont forget the donkeys. They work so hard in that heat, I often used to go over about three fields to one I befriended to give it some juicy carrots and treats, and after a few weeks it started to bray when it saw me going towards it. Unfortunately it then got moved somewhere else and I never found it again.

BTW there is a gorgeous dog in Paliori square, who has for some reason had her ear tips cut off, obviously when she was a pup as they are well healed. Needless to say she is terrified of people, but we did manage to give her some food. Also a lovely cat with a broken but set paw, who we tried to feed up too !
Thanks for the replies.

Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 07:44PM
hi jane and anon

i too agree with your sentiments regarding the dogs

iwent to fourka many times up till 2004 when my wife died and only went back sept 2004 to take her ashes over to fourka

i am know lol as The Mad English Dog Man in fourka
i do know the geordie lass in fourka just cannot think of her name
think it was julie or judy not sure.

i named all the dogs in fourka village by my own names except for lalou
a sheltie type dog but very small ..
when i talk in the bars or restaraunts lalou always seems to know im there and comes to visit me lol..
there is one dog that was in the village i didnt trust i called him Devil Dog because he looked so evil and although i was very friendly to dogs he just groweled and backed off
then there was Niger but he was taken in by Natasa at the yamas bar
but some guy from england payed and took him home..
there was a black n white cross bitch who used to sit with me every morning while i was fishing and always slept under my sunbed during the day and if i went for a beer anytime she would guard my place for me lol..
wolf was a alsatian cross he would always get me in trouble because when i was out eating he would come in the taverna and sit beside me till i left this happened most nights .
amber was a cute one yr old labrador new to the village and she followed me every where
the locals used to moan saying i was a bad influence on the dogs i wonder why smiling smiley

and i bet the man in kalathia was called a very bad malaca lol
better finish here cos i could go on all night lol
and i love the little church in skioni i would love to get married there
its the little one on the right after u leave fourka the priest is mad as a hatter too lol
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 08:03PM
Hi Jane,I must admit that while we were in Fourka this year all the dogs there seemed to be reasonably well cared for. According to one of the taverna owners [Dimitri the "Absolute" bar] there is a lady who looks after the strays in winter and to give Dimitri his due he did seem to care for the two dogs that always seemed to be laying around outside or on the doorstep of his bar.There was also a lovely labrador ["Lucy"] in one of the bars on the seafront in the main square that seemed well cared for by the owners....I cant say I can recall anyone English at the petrol station [I take it you mean the one just past the big supermarket] ....maybe she's moved away.But all in all you're correct,the Greeks just dont seem to care for animals the way we do of luck when you take your Lab over there,just look after her.
BFN ....pass our regards on to Sakis & Morfi please.
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 09:26PM
Hello everyone,
Im an old halkidikonian (however not greek) , and I know a lot of different people in the area.

Let me share a "dog-story" from real-life with you....

I know a person (a 25 - 20 year old guy) who had a nice puppy, which I also met. For some years ago his puppy was killed by a car on the main road of one of the villages of Halkidiki. The guy really CRIED for on or two years over his big lost. His parents tried to comfort him by all means that they knewed and could. (They are wealthy hotel owners so I think the story ended up with buying my friend a sports car). So much emphaty - as they had for his son and his puppy - I don't think could be found during last year's Tsunami Catastrophy in Thailand...

So according to my excperinece from greek life in Halkidiki, I think a lot of people love their dogs and also their village-dogs. Because of this reason it is causing me and others problems when their dogs are not showing the most friendy behaviour to me....
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 18, 2005 11:23PM
Hi Thomas, I can understand both sides ! Some Greeks do LOVE their dogs, and some Greek dogs ARE NOT FRIENDLY. It is the old adage I am afraid. Some Greeks love their dogs, some don't. Some dogs are friendly, some are not !

I am just pleased that some Greeks do actually love their dogs. But I think after my experiences of visiting Halkidiki for over 20+ years, and living there for 3, that in general if a Greek loves their dog, fine. But they do not like to tolerate the "stray" dogs.

I too am known in many villages for "attracting dogs" to the table or whatever. My husband too, he loves dogs, but often he tells me off for bringing dogs to the table.

It is very difficult. Luckily most places we eat know us very well after such a long time and "tolerate" my little indulgences with a few dogs.

I try to feed them away from restaurants and tavernas, but I am afraid I am a soft touch when they come on their rounds in an evening, I just cannot resist giving them some love and attention, and of course food if I have some available.

I do understand you Thomas, I too have seen very many packs of unfriendly dogs, but in the main I have luckily seen a lot of very friendly, vunerable and shy dogs who just want a bit of attention and food.

Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 19, 2005 01:14PM
Hi Terry, yes I will pass on your regards to Morfy and Sakis. I am just looking forward so much to taking Mia (my number one (in greek !) lady dog as she adores water and swimming,and the sea will be so much cleaner than the River Derwent ! It is just the poison problem that I am so worried about.

Conversely, you can take them into bars and tavernas if they are well behaved and not stray dogs without much trouble, unlike over here where they seem to think dogs must all carry the plague and cant go anywhere near where someone is eating.

Oh well, good and bad everywhere I suppose, but cant wait to get back over there. Just a visit next year, but hoping the following year we can rent full time and go for 8 months again, or if not at least go for three months and several smaller trips by plane. We love the drive over there too, so many nice places we have stopped at on the way, and the boat trip is great from Venice to Patras too. Oh, I am getting homesick for Greece.

Speak soon
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 19, 2005 01:18PM
Hi Jeff, yes that man in Kallithea was a very bad malaca (as well as being a vlakos and other such names, as well as a few in English I havent yet translated!) It certainly put me off buying stuff from his shop although the chocs were gorgeous, but I have my principles and went to another just as nice shop.

I too attract dogs all over the place. Luckily after going for so long our Greek friends do tolerate me, and those who own bars and tavernas have long since given up trying to dissuade me from fussing dogs!

My husband tries now and then, but he likes them too, just feels more keenly the disapproval of some bar owners ! He often tells me off for going to get some food for the dogs if I have forgotten to bring some, and if I dont take it far enough away from the table. I just tell him I am nearly 50 years old and if I WANT to feed the dogs I WILL !! He gives up........

Cant wait to go back and see my friends next year, and hopefully in 2006 will go for the 8-9 months again like before but with my gorgeous lab coming too with all the headaches that is going to cause. But hey, still cant wait to get in that gorgeous Agean sea with a dog that absolutely adores anything to do with water !

Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 19, 2005 09:02PM

oh how i am green with envy now lol

im from Nottingham originally and fished the DERWENT quite a lot
i go to Matlock in the summertime on the bike
being as the derwent is a long river not sure where you are **wink**

at the moment im waiting on my son being born then next year will take him with partner (soon to be wife) to fourka
i wanted my friend Nikos to marry us over there as he and his Father are Orthodox priests but after reading a thread on here about grece weddings and all that goes with it we decided to marry in uk then go to fourka where nikos would bless our wedding in the church past the litsa appartments.
have really missed greece and also missed going to the black pool where my wife before ashes are spread and just sitting and having a little time up there with her

wish you all the best for next year
duke of Yorkshire
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 19, 2005 09:42PM
If the Greeks' attitude towards animals is as you say then that could be the future of fox-hunting, oh just just wait till I get to the House and tell the other Lords about it.
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 19, 2005 10:47PM
Hi Jeff, we are in Belper, not far from Matlock, about ten miles ! We used to go the the black pool to see the turtles, but then a few years ago they put barriers around it and you cannot go to the waters edge any more. Apparently to protect the turtles, but from what we had seen they were quite happy with the scraps people were taking them and there didnt seem to be a problem. So now, we dont go as you cant see the turtles and it is like a prison around them.

All the best for your wedding, and the blessing in Greece.

Off for a sleep now, take care

Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 20, 2005 11:27AM
hi jane

yes the fencing and that was there when i went but the gate was always open
if its now shut then at least people wont walk over Kath

and ill just have to sit on the bench outside
just to pay my respects to her

thnks for the wishes jane your so kind
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 21, 2005 01:51PM

I have been going to Hanioti for eight years now and the hotel owners where I always stay (Greek/Australians) have a few cats. The females have been neutered and the top of the ear is cut off to verify that this has been done so maybe it's the same with the puppy that you saw (why two ears though, I don't know).
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 21, 2005 04:29PM
Hi Shirley, no this was a definite mutilation. It wasnt really just the tip, it was like half of each ear. Poor little mite. Thanks for the reply anyway. Jane
Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 21, 2005 10:58PM
Lets try to keep this top of the board for a while. It is easy to forget the animals during the winter when not many tourists are about. We need to remember next Spring and summer and encourage good treatment of ALL animals over in Greece.

On a selfish note, the better the treatment of animals gets over there, the more at ease I will feel taking my special labrador over sometime in the next two years!

Re: Animals, dogs, donkeys etc
November 22, 2005 11:24AM
Hi Jane,just as point of interest you can see turtles at Fourka,if you turn left along the beach from the main square [past the "Babewatch" disco] and walk about 200m along the beach there is a turtle pool set back just off the beach,no fences,no walls .....we visited it half a dozen times and saw no-one else whilst we were there.
Tel & Lin.
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